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Logo for Bryan McClure

This logo is one I created for myself. The curving of the letter ‘M’ plus use of the negative space was able to create a B as well.


This logo was created for Arté Divine. It was a special project created for the Catholic Church. They’re selling replicas of the famous Michelangelo statue, the Pietá.


This logo was created for a webseries of the same name. It’s about 4 self-made detectives…that happen to be the exact opposite of what you’d expect. Women.


This logo is for Hillis Family Dental. The scripted font is used to show the personal touch of the family owned business; a family owned business which has it’s foundation in teeth.


This logo was created for the ADR and Looping group called “Loop De Loop”.

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This fun logo was created for lawn mowing business Ortiz Mow.


Rikaroo Film Collective’s logo was designed using a camera lens encompassing the ‘R’ to highlight the film nature of the company.


This logo was designed for a film called Sex Tax. It’s based on a true story about an auditor for the IRS who has to do an audit on the Hen House Ranch; a legal Brothel in Nevada.


This logo was created for an entertainment company in Los Angeles.


Maisel Casting’s logo was created for Steve Maisel, Casting Director in Los Angeles. The bullseye is exemplifies his great eye for casting.


Created for Actress Mali Monae. Strong, bold, sensitiveand feminine; just like the actress.




This logo was created for yet to be release webseries “The Lily Project”. The juxtaposition of the gun and the word Lily, is a reflection of the multidimensional female cop lead in the series; both gritty and sexy.